We are on location from Rosie's Tavern, Kate shaved head in High School, like Brittany, Matt shaved head in Boot Camp, Milk Beer, Wife Swap, Matt ate raw meat at Christmas, Matt and Kate cheat at School, MIT Student invents Batman Utility Belt,  Middle School Spots Batman heading into the desert, Rainbow Parties, Remote Control dude dies, Old man dies in front of TV, Losing the remote, Matt fumbles with new phone,  Kate watches Law and Order instead of doing Homework, Matt and Kate play with ringtones, Julian from the Strokes dates Models by Birthright, Where is Christy Turlington, Kate watches Half Nelson, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, visit our audioblog at wwwtalesfromthecounter.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter29_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:41pm EST

Kate screws up the intro, Whole Foods, the blizzard, Kate has problems with Biology, Who's your Daddy from Anna Nichole Smith, Male stink turns on women, Kate watches movie about porn, Hoo-Haa monologues, Painted Mountain, Joe Rogan vs Carlos Mencia on You Tube, We talk about superfans and Nathan host of  "Search for the Best Mocha Latte" Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter28_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:28am EST

Matt doesn't say the new tagline, We go to the white heart and meet Joe S. Harrington, Kate talks astrological smack, Attractive people do better, this week is Fashion Week, Kate hates Alexander Wang, Kate needs to work on the forum, Best of the Weekly World News, We talk about the Astronaut using adult diapers, Liza gets glasses, Kate finds Porn Star T-shirt at the White Heart,Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter27_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:30pm EST

We discuss new intros, ten most pretentious American celebrities, We reminisce about Ames department store, Tom Cruise and Scientology, Kate and Matt want to form rival religions, Kid gets academy award nomination, Vote for us, We want to be propaganda, Aqua Teen Hunger Force changes everything, Super Bowl Halftime, Best of the Weekly World News, Matt does awful impressions, B. O. in public, Kate goes out wears dirty sweaters and wanted to pick  a fight with the white rapper, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter26_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:15pm EST

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