Fri, 29 December 2006
Matt screws up the intro, Matt and Kate are in different places thanks to skype, Kate went to Denver and Matt is in Pennsylvania, Kate gets stuck in Denver Blizzard, Kate Catches up on MTV, Matt has a Christmas Party, Matt talks about Holiday weight loss plan, Kate was called into work but was too drunk in make coffee, Matt and Kate give out Tales from the Counter Refrigerator Magnets. Matt Has fun with niece, Matt's 11 year old relative has a Razor Phone, My Space Profile and a Paintball Gun, Kate makes new years resolution, gives up celebrity gossip, Liza is talking over the show. Matt and Kate discuss Christmas Loot. Matt talks about hanging out at the Body Shop, and eats a lot of food, James Brown and Gerald, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at, Check out our blog at
Sat, 9 December 2006
We randomly call skype users, Kate vs the Dirt Coalition, Kate Wins, Kate's rapper calls during our break, Matt's condo association has a chrsitmas party, Kate makes dessert, Kate wants open an perverted bakery, Kate hangs out in the men's room. Kate will not call her Illegitimate kids bastard, Kate hates Cat Poop, Everyone mispronounces Matt's last name. email:, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at, Check out our blog at
Sat, 2 December 2006
Kate does no caffeine no sugar, no meat, no guys. Kate's pee turns funny colors from drinking strange health drinks, Lindsey Lohan is in recovery, Matt has turkey at long lost cousins house, Lewiston-Auburn is almost Portland, Kate gets drunk dialed by Matt and Frank of the Rumor Girls Uncut, Kate gets hammered with Uncle, Matt's brother has computer problems, Matt has lots of vacation time this Christmas, Matt and Kate talk about Christmas Shopping, Kate hooks up with the rappers, Matt works too much, and Kate hates the cube, Kate old boyfriends don't do anything, Matt talks about his resume, Kate need to practice her computer noise, Matt gets a library card even though he hasn't taken his overdue book back since 1990, Matt spits out facts, Kate hates old people, Kate and Matt read Best of Craig's list., leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at, Check out our blog at