Kate flakes,  Matt’s racist dad’s fathers day, Zootz Reunion,  Friending parents on facebook. Even Male Baboons get stuck in the Friend Zone, Kate bans customer for life, Man gives genital air,  email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com , facebook http://www.facebook.com/talesfromthecounter
Direct download: talesfromthecounter87_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

We all believe in money, We cook and eat Cincinnati chili, Kate’s High School Stalker writes a story, more internet dating stories,  Our Friend BJ tried to call in, Men prefer average shaped women, Possible new name for our show, Marriage will make you fat, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com , facebook http://www.facebook.com/talesfromthecounter
Direct download: talesfromthecounter86_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:06pm EST

Kate tells first person story about Chad Gurney, Kate’s Management style,  Kate’s Childhood Haiku, Matt’s Craigslist faux pas, Kate’s relationship woes, Beefcakes get more sex, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter85_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:30pm EST

Coffee in a Can, Spite, Peeing standing up, Tans are good for you, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter84_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:15pm EST

We have a Guest Jacob Khan a dating coach for David Wygant, https://www.davidwygant.com,  email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter83_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:23pm EST

We think it is episode 81 but it is episode 82, Kate doesn’t hate Karen, Smart Women have better Sex, John Stossel hates free health care for Old People,   Robo Calls, I create therefore I Drink, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter82_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

Kate is playing with Matt’s Kindle, Grant doesn’t listen to the Show, Kate has a new nonprofit, Invincible Summer, Narcissism, Missing white girl syndrome,  Girl finds bonus present in Happy Meal, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter81_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:49pm EST

Hippie Oreo Taste off, Iced Coffee Bongs, Torture Rant, Hello Kitty Beer, The sexes are equally promiscuous, Our favorite TV shows, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter80_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:01pm EST

Matt’s Birthday,  facebook relative slamdown, Conjugal harmony, Hooters Girls fight off  stalker, Bacon in a Can, I think therefore I tweet, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter79_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:06pm EST

Godless Heathens, Drink turkey fat for Easter, Women’s Cup Inflation, Weddings in Vegas, Sword Fighting, Worriers die early,  75 year old Porn Star, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter78_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:06am EST

Kate’s High School Confidential, Partying Amish, Pride and Prejudice with ......Zombies http://www.amazon.com/Pride-Prejudice-Zombies-Classic-Ultraviolent/dp/1594743347,  White Men Get Drunk, White Wine stains teeth, Dogs Look like their Owners, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter77_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:40pm EST

Frankin McManon calls in to talk about the Facebook maine party, Matt buys a harley,  Shopping linked to Menstrual Cycles, Women voting has caused the downfall of  the USA, Shawno has some new Music http://www.hypernonsense.com email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter76_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:17pm EST

Sex Chat lines, Facebook Maine party,  Behind the Music is Back, Millionaire matchmaker, Battlestar Galactica  Spoiler Alerts,  Are Aliens blasting up with lasers,  Student Supended for Farting, More http://www.thisiswhyyourefat.com, talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter75_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:17pm EST

Matt tells stories about St. Patties day that took place in Ancient History, Kate performs a drunken rescue, Kate goes to Trader Joe’s, Junk Food not cool in School, New England is Unchurched, Xenu is true, Horoscopes are Bunk. talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter74_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:51pm EST

Matt is recording from Atlanta, Liza is jealous of the show, Spreader outer on the Plane, Franklin is an Early Adopter,  http://www.thisiswhyyourefat.com Kate disrespected a hockey puck, Permissive Parents, Matt’s old school internet tales, new type of condom, talesfromthecounter@gmail.com  voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com  myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter  talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter73_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:04pm EST

Kate uses lotion, Kate goes on the Micheal Phelps Diet, Kids afraid of food, NPR is boring, Are you a Racist? http://implicit.harvard.edu, Women selling eggs for cash, ShamWow vs Scienology, talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter72_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:14pm EST

He man women haters club, Bosses are full of crap, Memory Eraser Pill, Idiot Savants,  What men want in a women,  Women are harder on each other. talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: 71_Tales_from_the_Counter_71.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:51pm EST

More Blood Types, We are live on Talk Shoe, Kate had a life coach, Kate’s boyfriend demands Hot Dogs. Kate hates Cabbage, No Testosterone in Iceland, Compulsive Shopping, talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25128
Direct download: talesfromthecounter70_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:19pm EST

Kate is Back, Our life recapped, Job Interviews, Gut Trusting,Jessica Simpson, Having your own Reality,  Where's the Beef, Chinese Buffet, Andrew Zimmern-Meat Raffle, Ventroquism. email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, voicemail-207-221-2679, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter
Direct download: talesfromthecounter69_2009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

Matt screws up the intro..again, Liz has her voice, Dream anaylsis, Childhood Shopping Memories, Hair Cuts for Men, Most Girl Scout Cookies Sold, Solar Powered Underwear, Drinking to Hook up, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, voicemail: 207-221-2679, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, blog: http://www.talefromthecounter.com the music from this is brought to you by the podsafe music network music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter68_2008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:47pm EST

Forgetting names, Teaching wizardry, platonic roommates, Binge Drinking College Kids, Women's voices when fertile, Wine is in your head, Voicemail:207-221-2679 email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com This music on the show was brought to you by the podsafe music network music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter67_2008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:39pm EST

Adam Sandler, Battlestar Galactica, VCR's, Sober Old Port, Texting and E-mail, Buy Liz a MacBook Air, Talk sweet nothings in the proper ear,Matt screws up the stuff,  Voicemail:207-221-2679, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, Blog:http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, the music from the show is from the podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter66_2008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:36pm EST

Wasy returns, plugs new venture http://www.rentmylobstertrap.com, wasy tells lobster tales, matt's old school internet tales, adderrall diet pills, Shout out to Shawno, Voice Mail:207-221-2679,email talesfromthecounter@gmail.com. Blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, the music on the this show is brought to you by the podsafe music network, http://music.podshow.com.  
Direct download: talesfromthecounter65_2008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:56pm EST

Wasy the Lobsterman is our guest, Cougars, Craigslist Prank, Fratenities and Sororities, Texting and IQ, Tipping Euros, Email:Talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, Voicemail:207-221-2679, myspace: http://www.myspace.com, Blog:http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, the music from this show is brought to you by the podsafe music network at music.podshow.com.
Direct download: talesfromthecounter64_2008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:20pm EST

We are back, Matt wrecks new car, Barack Obama and Talk Radio, Elliot Spitzer and the animal kingdom, Depressed women have more Sex, What Cars Say about You, Voicemail:207-221-2679, email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, blog:www.talesfromthecounter.com, The music on this show was brought to you by music.podshow.com the podsafe music network.
Direct download: talesfromthecounter63_2008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:23pm EST

Matt's resturaunt rant, Psychopathic VoiceMail http://www.myspace.com/drunkdouchebag, Healthy Reasons to Drink Coffee, and More, Voice Mail:207-221-2679,email talesfromthecounter@gmail.com. Blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, the music on the this show is brought to you by the podsafe music network, http://music.podshow.com.

Direct download: talesfromthecounter62_2008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:24pm EST

Crappy Weather, Liz gets drunk in Boothbay Harbor, Matt gets a new car, Liz is a texter, Amsterdam turns off the Red light, Secret Societies, Voice Mail:207-221-2679,email talesfromthecounter@gmail.com,Blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, the music on the this show is brought to you by the podsafe music network, http://music.podshow.com.
Direct download: talesfromthecounter61_2008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:33pm EST

Political Conventions boon for sex industry, Liz lusts after the MacBook Air, Healthy People use more health care, Bad customer service, High Heels boost sex life, Fat people in resturaunts are illegal in Mississippi, Cookie eating thief,Voice Mail:207-221-2679,email talesfromthecounter@gmail.com,Blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, the music on the this show is brought to you by the podsafe music network, http://music.podshow.com.
Direct download: talesfromthecounter60_2008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:32pm EST

Brittany Spears is a Cash Cow, Montel Williams smacks down Fox, Super Bowl Snacks, Double Dipping, Toliet Paper Conspiracy, and More, Voice Mail:207-221-2679,email talesfromthecounter@gmail.com,Blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, the music on the this show is brought to you by the podsafe music network, http://music.podshow.com,
Direct download: talesfromthecounter59_2008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:42pm EST

Welcome our new Co-Host Liz,Pet Human gets kicked off of bus, Wall Drug,Hairy Man tries to find love, History of Hysteria, The Church of the Jedi, and more. Voice Mail : 207-221-2679, email talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, Blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, the music on the this show is brought to you by the podsafe music network, http://music.podshow.com,
Direct download: Talesfromthecounter_58.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:48pm EST

Karen is in KY and Parties with RV conventioneers, Kidnapping Satan Worshippers, Wrestling Slave Ring, Indian Female Furies, Voice Mail : 207-221-2679, email talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, Blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, the music on the this show is brought to you by the podsafe music network, music.podshow.com,
Direct download: talesfromthecounter57_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:21pm EST

Belated thanksgiving show, Matt is in Seekonk, we went Christmas shopping, Matt buys a Mac, The dog snores, MC Hammer’s Dance Jam, Your name is your fate, DNA by Race, Man wins lottery behind wife’s back, Voice Mail: 207-221-2679, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com.
Direct download: talesfromthecounter56_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:40pm EST

Karen tries on Headphones, Dog the Bounty Hunter, wrestling, giving blood, all out mayhem, writers strike, Hovering is good, Dying people are happier, Karen tells stories about France, Men pick women for looks, Economists weigh in on the mating game, sexy walk just a tease, and more. Voicemail:207-221-2679, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthcounter blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, the music from the show is brought to you by The Podsafe Music Network at http://music.podshow.com.
Direct download: talesfromthecounter55_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:23am EST

Mr. Thumbs R.I.P., Old Women Skydives, Women Falls on Man, Elevators or Escalators, Sleep Zombies, OUI Middle Schoolers, Voice Mail:207-221-2679, email: talesfromthecounter@idexx.com, myspace: http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, Blog: http://www.talesfromthecounter.com, The music used in this podcast is on the Podsafe music network at music.podshow.com.
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:23pm EST

Karen is in Maine,Karen has Dinner with Bebe Buell, Karen tells more celeb stories, Matt has stupid dream about Jerry Seinfeld, Matt Hates the Post Office, Man makes robber clean house, Japanese Dress like Vending Machines, Larry David helps the Mentally Ill,Money Doesn't Buy Happiness, and more, Voice Mail:207-221-2679, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, Leave a comment at www.talesfromthecounter.com, myspace:http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, the music on this show is brought to you by the podsafe music network, music.podshow.com.
Direct download: talesfromthecounter53_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:59pm EST

This is the first show in a while, Karen tells tales from South Africa, new tv season, women are less happy than men,Femiminists have happier relationships, and more. Voice Mail:207-221-2679, email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, blog:www.talesfromthecounter.com, myspace at www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter, the music on this show is brought to you by the podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com.
Direct download: talesfromthecounter52_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:20pm EST

Karen is at an undisclosed location in the Himalayas, Russian Sex Day, Beastiality, eye tattoos, and more.Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com 
Direct download: talesfromthecounter51_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:30am EST

50th Show, Karen is in Dallas, Nudie and the Bat Master, Snack Food News, and more.Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter50_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:04pm EST

Guys chase tail, Women chase $$$, Gaydar, Drinking Kids, Scientology on Trial, and more, email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com 
Direct download: talesfromthecounter49_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:46pm EST

Karen is the interim co-host, we are recording from her house in Seeconk  MA, Matt's Motorcycle Trip, Old School Cycles, Americans enjoy their work, Library on the moon, 5 year old driver, 100 year old smokes cigarette, and more.Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter48_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:05pm EST

Funerals, Fourth of July, Survivalist Island, Glamping, Men talk too much, Bird Beater, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com 
Direct download: talesfromthecounter47_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Cash or Prizes, Speed equals small unit, Old Man punching pickpocket, 99 cent wedding, Funerals, Early 90's songs, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter46_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Kate's Splinterectomy, Inappropriate Coffee Talk, Emo Haircuts, Cognitive Dissonance, Sippie Cup, Short People, We take a Zombie Quiz: http://mingle2.com/zombie-quiz, Girls who pick Daddy, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com 
Direct download: talesfromthecounter45_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:30am EST

Kate gives a free show, Extreme Barista, Short bursts of Caffeine, Hillary Clinton wears make up, Guyliner, Dumb laws,  Matt's crazy condo rules, We need an intern to wash our cars, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan,Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com 
Direct download: talesfromthecounter44_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:51pm EST

We are recording on locations at Rosie's, Motorcycle rides; Rosie's is one of esquire's best bars in America, Kate is getting a bike for graduation, Speed Racer Movie, Superheroes, Sleep with a Politician for Million Dollars, Jerry Falwell,  Price is  Right, Forgetting is Good,  Liquid Blue, Kate gets drunk and eats cereal, Save-a-Lot, Matt eats everything, email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter43_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:53pm EST

Mr. Thumbs, Kate's Graduation Party, Kate's dad is opening for Foreigner July 29 http://www.myspace.com/stevebrown Lindsey Lohan,  Snorting up Red Bull,  The world is Kate's,  Kate is Broke, Send us Money, Stalking the Pole Vaulting Teen, Book Burning, Kate's Car, Matt looks for a Bike. Matt's Personal Growth Leave, Kate Wins the Lottery, Kate moves out of her old place, Meat Loaf Club, Poop Coffee, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com 

Direct download: talesfromthecounter42_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:23pm EST

We are on location at the armory, Matt is trying to pawn off his bike on the listeners,  Finger Length and math scores, Send in your finger length ratio, Healthy Gamblers ride handicap scooters,  Kate abuses the handicapped,  Kate is distracted by the red soxs, Buffets,  Kate and Matt tells drinking stories, IQ, Rubbing against women is a good way to say hi,  Chinese Bus Drivers get a bonus for not beating up customers,  Satan burns baby in Microwave,  Creation Museum,  Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter41_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:15pm EST

Kate's boyfriend Grant is our guest, Grant's job is to surf porn, Kate is not getting a BMW, Girl Cars, Divorce, Scientology,  Kate wants to be the next Ann Coulter, Jerry Falwell, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter40_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:20pm EST

Kate graduates and then goes shopping, Kate wears a pink sash, Matt goes to a conference, Paris Hilton will be a bad prisoner, Kate can be the next Paris, We discuss the i-man. Just like the rest of podcasting community, Angry faces are rewarding, Free tickets for rectal exam, Man dies while break dancing,  We want to visit our Chinese Fans, Wired for Morality,  Kate gets a new coffee job, Kate is a fashion model for a night,  Drinking beer with grandma, Kate gets presents,Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter39_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:33pm EST

Matt has a funny voice, Kate's family listens to the show, Kate has not asked for her graduation party off, Portland doesn't eat as much fast food as the rest of the country, we say wicked good, Kate looks for a job at Whole Foods, Boy gets head stuck on head, Guy cuts off member, Performance Art, Kate is going to blow her tax return on booze, Smart doesn't mean rich, Soda Guy should have had a V-8, Colored Drink, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter38_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:51pm EST

We are on location at the Armory, Matt's Birthday,  Kate gave her Presentation, Parental Bribery, Angry Soccer Mom, Wingwomen, Daddy or Sugar Daddy, Tiny Strippers, Kateâ??s best breakup story, Blowing off guys, Lesbian drag queens, L-Word Haircuts, Kate's dead bride photos on Myspace, Reality Shows, Old School Talk Shows, Power Outage Stories,  Secret Identities, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter37_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:35pm EST

We welcome Ellen Anderson, publisher , and Siren, managing editor and cover model,  of Marrijane Magazine(http://www.marrijane.com), Students harvesting Pot,  going to Jamaica, Birthday disasters, Divorces among Religions, Porn surfing brother-in-laws,  Catholic school girls, Marriage in Vegas,  Weed doesn't cause brain damage, Penny Slots,  Flying from Maine, Living in Puerto Rico, Polygamy Divorces,  Mail Order Brides,  Elderly Parents, Skiing death, Frieda Bus, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter36_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:53pm EST

Kate looks for a new job, we strip mined our lives, Kate goes to a new coffee shop and reminisces about the dive bar that used to be there, Kate talks about porn surfing customers,  Matt gives free computer advice, Matt talks about blind dating, april fools snow, Kate tries to make a deal with God,  Don't sweat the small stuff guy died, Principal flings Poo at Student, Latest Teen Craze, Car accident stories, Kate's sister is turning 21 soon, Tequila stories, Matt tells college drinking stories, Kate smashed her fake glasses, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter35_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:25pm EST

On location at an Undisclosed Coffee Shop in the Greater Portland Area, Kate's Birthday, Kate's Great-Great Grandparents had a performing monkey,  I call it Pop you call it Soda, Golf Wedgie, Pink Bellies, On-Line Bullies, Old Swingers,  Picture Taking Pervert,  Jassy takes pictures but is not a pervert, Men sleeping with women lose brain power, Women make better friends,Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter34_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:28pm EST

Spring has arrived, Spring Break antics, Kate is going nowhere, Benzkid is the superfan of the week. Kate is spending spring break with grandma, Brangelina adoptions, Pet Stories, Kate's boyfriend flirts with all the cute shop girls in the Old Port, Matt checks out the women at the counter, Eddie Van Halen, Kate is begging for birthday wishes, Rachel Hunter complains about Actresses doing her job,  Laughter is not Funny, Dominic and the Lucid,Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com 
Direct download: talesfromthecounter33_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:22am EST

Girl Scout Cookie Season, Katie tells Girl Scout Tales, Matt Buys too many cookies at work, Awana Scouts, Matt tells Sunday School stories, Squirrel Suicide,  Brittany Stories,  Squirrels cause power outages,  Man has an unnatural attraction to autos, 50 Percent of Men fake it, Vomit Beam,  St. Patrick's Day Plans, Matt's "back in the day" St. Patrick's Day stories, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter32_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:41pm EST

Eric the Busker is our musical guest, we drink to fend off the cold, Our friend has his 21st birthday, We talk about insurance, racism WWIII, and activism, Meetings make you Stupid, Nose Picking, Not cleaning your plate against the law in Hong Kong,  Sword Fighting,  Matt Breaks a rib, Old Man Fights off thugs, Old Turtles Celebrate anniversary,  Matt blows a joke as usual, email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com and Eric the Busker.

Direct download: talesfromthecounter31_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:24pm EST

Kate's Grandma listens to the show, Matt criticizes G, Kate laughs instead of making fun of people, Kate has a friend with a "Problem" We talk about medical problems on TV, Kate goes to a meeting, Matt gets a window,  Shooter went to work, Chinese internet addicts,  China is the capital of weird, Teacher gets beaten up over Ipod, Kate and Matt Discuss storm plans, College Kids are Self Centered,  Matt and Kate talk about their crappy childhoods, Sleeping Positions says things about you,Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter30_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:33pm EST

We are on location from Rosie's Tavern, Kate shaved head in High School, like Brittany, Matt shaved head in Boot Camp, Milk Beer, Wife Swap, Matt ate raw meat at Christmas, Matt and Kate cheat at School, MIT Student invents Batman Utility Belt,  Middle School Spots Batman heading into the desert, Rainbow Parties, Remote Control dude dies, Old man dies in front of TV, Losing the remote, Matt fumbles with new phone,  Kate watches Law and Order instead of doing Homework, Matt and Kate play with ringtones, Julian from the Strokes dates Models by Birthright, Where is Christy Turlington, Kate watches Half Nelson, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, visit our audioblog at wwwtalesfromthecounter.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter29_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:41pm EST

Kate screws up the intro, Whole Foods, the blizzard, Kate has problems with Biology, Who's your Daddy from Anna Nichole Smith, Male stink turns on women, Kate watches movie about porn, Hoo-Haa monologues, Painted Mountain, Joe Rogan vs Carlos Mencia on You Tube, We talk about superfans and Nathan host of  "Search for the Best Mocha Latte" Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter28_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:28am EST

Matt doesn't say the new tagline, We go to the white heart and meet Joe S. Harrington, Kate talks astrological smack, Attractive people do better, this week is Fashion Week, Kate hates Alexander Wang, Kate needs to work on the forum, Best of the Weekly World News, We talk about the Astronaut using adult diapers, Liza gets glasses, Kate finds Porn Star T-shirt at the White Heart,Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter27_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:30pm EST

We discuss new intros, ten most pretentious American celebrities, We reminisce about Ames department store, Tom Cruise and Scientology, Kate and Matt want to form rival religions, Kid gets academy award nomination, Vote for us, We want to be propaganda, Aqua Teen Hunger Force changes everything, Super Bowl Halftime, Best of the Weekly World News, Matt does awful impressions, B. O. in public, Kate goes out wears dirty sweaters and wanted to pick  a fight with the white rapper, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter26_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:15pm EST

Kate has a fan who loves picture of her smoking, richest women in show business, http://www.forbes.com/womenstars , wine with funny names, Johnny Depp fixes his tattoo, Kate bumps into new years guy with new boyfriend, Hillary for president, Kate meets JC, reading celebrity gossip, Kate has to give a presentation on 4/20, Kate eats meat at Vignola, we should market adult diapers to young people, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com 

Direct download: talesfromthecounter25_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:20pm EST

Kate tries to steal ideas from Dawn and Drew, Kate wants to hand out Tales from the Counter condoms, We talk about living alone, Kate wants a older husband who will die early, We have a new catch phrase, Kate meets a new guy, We go to see Andrew's band, We talk about the Wee for Wii, Kate gets her story published in the "Girls Guide to the Galaxy" Best of Craig's List, We eat Vegetarian Meat Loaf, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter24_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:22pm EST

Matt is scheming, We discussed reader feedback, Albums and Nostalgia are bad, Kate and Matt tell music stories,  We talk about Wacky Packages and Pez, We talk about football, Bangor is not as bad as Lewiston,  Kate finds Addereral,  Kate forces a burp, Kate's dad wants a blog, Kate wants to start a band with Andrew,  Kate's Jinxed Cameron and Justin's relationship,  Kate is getting a new Tattoo,  We are getting a forum soon, We discuss new sponsorships, Robot bodies,  Kate loved inspector gadget, Matt does Kate imitations, Kate drunk dials again, we want to watch the White Rapper on MTV. Kate watches Dig, Joe S. Harrington had a brush with greatness with anton, We create a new catchphrase, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter23_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:26pm EST

We screw up the intro again, We goes to the rumor girls party, Matt dances until his knee gave out, Matt tried to do a ska dance during the podcast. Kate ditches the party early for a guy,  Kate creates positive energy with the rapper and the bikini fighter, Kate dukes it out among the neighbors and gets knocked on her ass, We discuss the Dumping Season, Kate and Matt tell valentine stories, Voice Mail or email us if you want to drink whisky and pass out with Kate on valentines day, 12 year olds have a my space profile, we talk about Saddam, unfortunate is not ironic, kids give us your adderall, Did Brittany Spears have implants, Oprah and Brittany show up in the same column, Kate wants to teach at Oprah's academy, Local bars get demolished by Red Sox bat,  celebrity deaths,  Call us with your new years predictions, or your opinions about white rappers, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter22_2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:36pm EST

Matt screws up the intro, Matt and Kate are in different places thanks to skype, Kate went to Denver and Matt is in Pennsylvania, Kate gets stuck in Denver Blizzard, Kate Catches up on MTV, Matt has a Christmas Party, Matt talks about Holiday weight loss plan, Kate was called into work but was too drunk in make coffee, Matt and Kate give out Tales from the Counter Refrigerator Magnets. Matt Has fun with niece, Matt's 11 year old relative has a Razor Phone, My Space Profile and a Paintball Gun, Kate makes new years resolution, gives up celebrity gossip,  Liza is talking over the show. Matt and Kate discuss Christmas Loot. Matt talks about hanging out at the Body Shop, and eats a lot of food, James Brown and Gerald Ford.Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter21_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:53pm EST

We randomly call skype users, Kate vs the Dirt Coalition, Kate Wins, Kate's rapper calls during our break, Matt's condo association has a chrsitmas party, Kate makes dessert, Kate wants open an perverted bakery, Kate hangs out in the men's room. Kate will not call her Illegitimate kids bastard, Kate hates Cat Poop, Everyone mispronounces Matt's last name. email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter20_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:14pm EST

Kate does no caffeine no sugar, no meat, no guys.  Kate's pee turns funny colors from drinking strange health drinks, Lindsey Lohan  is in recovery, Matt has turkey at long lost cousins house, Lewiston-Auburn is almost Portland, Kate gets drunk dialed by Matt and Frank of the Rumor Girls Uncut, Kate gets hammered with Uncle,  Matt's brother has computer problems, Matt has lots of vacation time this Christmas, Matt and Kate talk about Christmas Shopping, Kate hooks up with the rappers, Matt works too much, and Kate hates the cube, Kate old boyfriends don't do anything, Matt talks about his resume, Kate need to practice her computer noise, Matt gets a library card even though he hasn't taken his overdue book back since 1990, Matt spits out facts, Kate hates old people, Kate and Matt read Best of Craig's list. email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter19_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:45pm EST

Matt and Kate talk about cranberry sauce, we tell each other what each of us should be thankful for, Kate gets hammered and falls on the Saturday Night Fever dance floor and steals Christmas ornaments, Matt's Dad makes inappropriate remarks, Kate talks about transsexuals during family dinners, Kate is turning Vegetarian, We talk about tomcat, L. Ron Hubbard is Matt's Hero, Matt buys a Dianetics book, Kate thinks Scientology is stupid, Matt was in a fraternity, Kate laughs inappropriately at Planned Parenthood, Kate gets hammered and picks a fight with Gay bashers, Kate should join the roller derby, Matt used to roller blade around town, Kate takes lots of pictures, Kate roller bladed to Ace of Base and TLC, Matt goes to too many funerals and is sad, Matt has a missing relative in Maine, Kate is going to make a scene at thanksgiving dinner and report back, email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com,
Direct download: talesfromthecounter18_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:05am EST

Matt's Life has no drama, Kate gets into spat with downstairs neighbors, gets private note posted on the internet,  any rebuttals by friends please call at 207-221-2679, Kate wants to lose 5 pounds and a six pack, Matt can't afford to be KFed's sugar mama, Kate cheats before breaking up, Guys break up harder than women, Guys need space to process emotion, Kate wants to experiment on little boys and girls,  Men and Women are different or the same, Kate writes fake book jacket when she was a little girl, We talk about how people perceive the world, Matt and Kate talk about Jared Diamond's books, History sucks, Kate gets a funny haircut, email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter17_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:51pm EST

Kate and Matt come up with Rap Names for each other, Kate has punks living next door, Kate doesn't call the ambulance, Bikini Fighter found his glasses and tries to rap,  Kate runs into Karla and Frank of the Rumor Girls on Halloween,  Kate wants to be a Metal Heads, Matt goes to Florida and help shrink a shed, Matt didn't win a big prize at the trade show,  Kate talks with Matt's old boss about his Home Theatre, Kate and Friends acted like brats in front of the Big Easy.  Kate is wondering how to pick up a musician, Kate missed Jack White at the White Heart, Matt misses all the cool shows in rock history,  Matt has secret crush on the Supernanny, Kate's Punk next door neighbor hangs out in the old port asking for money, The punks next door are better behaved the Kate's downstairs neighbor, Kate attacks Kevin Donoghue a local politician and gives him a cigarette, Kate and Matt talk about political commercials, Kate gets sticky stuff on peoples keyboard, Kate wrestles Boys and picks up a band- Hooliganship http://hooliganship.com, Kate drinks matt's beer, Crazy Summer, Crazy Winter, Kate reads Lisa Carver's autobiography http://www.suckdog.net, email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com We also would like to thank Dominic from Dominic and the Lucid for the intro.
Direct download: talesfromthecounter16_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:22pm EST

Leave a Voice Mail at 207-221-2679, This was recorded Friday, Oct 27 since matt is going to Florida, Kate is a Zombie and a Devil for Halloween, Kate has a new crush, Kate wants to be a librarian, Kate gives the an old hookup the brush off at the library, Matt doesn't go to Amigo's very often but still knows half the people there, Kate hangs out at the library with the homeless. Kate envies the homeless in the summer, Matt doesn't turn on the heat in the condo, Kate is house sitting for Matt and is going to watch his big screen, Kate's professor was on the Sally Jesse Rafael show, When Kate is famous she is going to acquire a eating disorder and date Jared Leto, Matt is going to be part of Kate's entourage, Screech is doing a Porn, Kate has a Showgirls DVD, Quakers with boring stuff and do valley girl talk, Matt's Psychology Class showed sex pictures, Kate thinks she has every disease in the Psychology Book, Kate gives away coffee to make friends, Matt is stressed over his trip, Kate sweet talks Matt's Building Manager, Kate and Matt talk about recording on location, Every day is Bikini Season with lo-rise jeans, Kate tells the worse story ever, Kate would like to be a lesbian, Kate wants to open a all-girl bar. Call in and tell us your Halloween stories. email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter15_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:16pm EST

Call our voicemail 207-221-2679, Kate falls off the wagon, drinks wine, eats red meat, and smokes cigars. Guys in Auburn got killed over spilled beer. Kate spills beer in cars and drives by District Court, Matt got arrested for fireworks, Kate has done bad things, she will tell you if you e-mail us. Kate needs to channel her inner bitch, Kate is undecided about the corn maze, Matt is going to florida, Kate is housesitting at Matts. Brush with Greatness or celebrity gossip, Kate talks about being addicted to My Space...Again, Kate is a Green, We talk about local politics, Bill Clinton was giving a Fund Raiser for the Democratic Governor. Kate hates eric for getting comp tickets, Kate doesn't get AA one month chip and gets the Bikini Fighter mad at her,  Kate has a crush, but hangs out with Matt instead. The wine is good. What does Vice Mean, Matt's vice is Potato Chips, Kate's vices are Guys, Butts, and Booze. Matt and Kate talk about Disney, Matt has bad Halloween costumes, Kate goes as famous bimbos two years in a row,  Don't go to the dentists house for Halloween,  Matt walked miles for Candy, Kate got driven around to get candy, Kate used to troll for candy at rich people's house, Kate wants candy now, Kate has no clue about Vampires or Werewolves. Kate is going to watch cable while matt is away at work, Matt reads books about Zombies, Kate tried to kill zombies with the George Foreman Grill. email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter14_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:02am EST

Call our voice mail line 1-207-221-2679, Our Guest, Joe S. Harrington Publisher of Kapital Ink and author of Sonic Cool declares Rock and Roll Dead, Kids be an individual, Portland Media is small, The Local Alt. Weekly phones it in with Point- Counter Point, The local daily paper music reviews are wimpy,  300th millionth person would cry when interviewed by the Media, Kate gives mom a Happy Birthday Shoutout, People can't get old, Music Doesn't Matter, Portland Heavy Metal Music is Honest, Draft the Kids so they don't have to play video games, and their parents won't drive big SUV, CBGB's closed last week but hasn't been cool for 20 years,  Not Caring is a gift, Geno's is Portland's CBGB's, Skinny open up already we are waiting, Joe says believe in yourself and don't wear Led Zeppelin T-Shirts, Parents should go back to being Squares, Kids have too many choices,  email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter13_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:51pm EST

Matt Changes the intro, Kate quit the butts and wants to quit food, Kate goes to hot yoga and doesn't drink water, but lots of Coffee, Kate reaches for fancy water instead of booze, Kate's parents use Poland Spring Water to flush the toilet. The Science of Sleep, our superfan Nate leaves us a voice mail, Kate tries to be perfect, Matt eats too much, Kate hates the cube, Older guys with younger women, Kate hates guys who talk about video games,  Kate likes older guys who talk, Kate gets Liza hooked on Match.com, We read Best of Craig's List, Kate pays her library fines and checks outs "He's just not that into you" Kate has a secret crush, Kate wants to quit older guys, and adopt Antarctic orphans, Kate wants a Segway, Kate and Matt declares goals for the week. email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter12_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:26pm EST

Matt sounds like a girl, The Coffee shop has issues with crazy people, Kate cowers in stairwell, and Matt gets punched in the nose and hides from Cops. Kate lets people get away with stuff.  Do the ladies love Chandler Woodcock? Kate berates college newspaper columnist Jake Christie, Matt Twiddles his knobs, Kate has a dry spell, Kate stalks past blowoff, People are hot in their own way,  Kate's friend busts up with a guy like they did on Sex in the City, Kate steals from Adam Curry, Kate doesn't listen to Podcasts, Drunk Dials instead, Kate calls ex and makes racial remarks, Kate has a good time at Meetings, Matt says don't wear square glasses, Kate uses show e-mail address to stalk people on Match.com, Kate laughs inappropriately again, Matt tells laughing inappropriately stories, Kate can't buy a black fleece and stresses out her sister, Kate doesn't make Christmas lists, Matt gets nothing for Christmas,  Kate uses guide wires on Christmas tree. Matt promise to get swag for Kate, Calling all guys to ask for kates number.  Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter11_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:35am EST

Kate's most bestest friend Liza is our guest, College Dropout-Beauty School Knockout, Liza decked a girl and her boss got deported, Kate pretends she is Mariah Carey, Girls are mean to each other, but guys do it too,  Kate worries about being liked by customers, Episode III of the Starbucks-Dunkin Donuts wars, Kate almost does a spit take on the Microphone. Beauty School Knockouts like Extra Sugar, Kate doesn't like to wear baked goods, Liza likes to eat like French women, Matt ate in France, Kate Steals candy on Easter, Kate and Liza plot and scheme to be Sisters in Law, Liza's brother sucks in a Band, but in a good way, Joe S. Harrington comes into Java Net, Diamond Sharp breaks up,  the Crew declares favorite chick rockers,  Who would "behind the music" talk to about you,  Southern People on cruise ships wear fanny packs and talk funny, Kate's first crush was Stone Phillips, Adventures in Babysitting,  this week Matt cooks vegetarian for Liza, next week straight to the slaughter house,  we want to go to the fair and eat our way out,  Kate flirts with the ugliest carny,  Liza loves Podcasting. Kate has to use the toilet. Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter10_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:59pm EST

Matt and Kate go to Rebel Roots fest, Kates Crush makes the papers, We were guests on the Rumor Girls Uncut www.rumorgirls.com, Kate eats spinach during E-Coli outbreak.  We bought food, People bought food for the weekend, Matt has special swordfish recipe, People buy interesting things for their weekend at the grocery store. Kate gets cookies from kids at the Laundromat; Kate wants to stalk friends on Match.com.  Kate is trying to fix up matt. Kate is a book nerd. Matt has to give his cat a pill, Kate starts a new reality show called "Pimp my Friend" Kate gets cousin lost in Portland after going to strip club, Matt had Roommate who stole from him and had a stroke. Kate mumbles to herself while walking around town.  Matt has idea to get guys to quit asking Kate for her number.  Matt and Kate talk about Frienamies.  Kate frienamy is way more famous than her. Matt's frienamy is a time suck. Our friend eric wears bicycle shorts, Matt is being agreeable, Kate is reading transgender Russian literature,  Matt throws away underwear, Kate keeps shirt on so we can't be like Howard Stern.  Kate compares our show to NPR.  We are going to Bebe Buell on Saturday. Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com

Direct download: TalesfromtheCounter9_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:24am EST

Matt ate the topic, Matt can't help being a steeler fan, Kate loves football but has limited knowledge, Matt watches football and complains about his lame friends, More superfan shoutouts, DVR is Not TIVO, Battle of the Corner Stores, Dating Coworkers using Sexual Harassment, Kate is having Delusions of Grandeur, Know you audience, Little Miss Sunshine, Bebe Buell Loses wedding ring under porch at java net, Kate still on wagon, Kate meets old boyfriend at Foreplay, Kate acts out to make people break up with her, Matt tells old Fake ID stories, Kate throws a fit, Matt decides to make a podcast with his cats, Shooter sits on command for Lunchmeat, Kate digs musicians, Kate acts like a grown up at the New Girls Network, Kate goes shopping for Working girl clothes, Kate's mom lights up like a tree at Christmas, Kate should beg for forgiveness, Divorcing Parents, Nick and Jessica had a starter wedding, Kate want to go to Remarriages counseling, Little miss sunshine rips the facade of of kiddy beauty pageants, Kate says don't conform, Email:talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. myspace at http://www.myspace.com/talesfromthecounter. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com, Check out our blog at www.talesfromthecounter.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter8_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:42pm EST

Kate loves podcasting, New superfan, We need a logo, t-shirt and other promotional items, Kate gets Sexual Harassment Training, Russian Women's is as boring and long winded as Russian Men's literature. Kate is on the no fly list for being a Women's Studies Major, Oprah is an easy target, Kate wants to be a internet celebrity, Kate gives number to another guy she has absolutely no interest in part 2. Friendly toast guy did not call. Kate's friend tries to get Kate to go off the wagon. Kate wants to tell guys she is a lesbian. Matt says guys need to take their Shot, Matt announces new threat to America. Hipster movement is so over, PBR is Dead, Kate wants an activity partner, Matt goes to see the Awesome http://www.awesome80sband.com. Racer-X is not the 80's. Kate should watch TV instead of writing crappy poetry about how she sucks, Kate and Matt think Loveline is awesome. No one listens to Old People unless you are Chinese. Matt's Grandparents likes his brother better than him. Kate and Matt discuss their Ethnic Backgrounds. Kate talks About Blog : http://40ozto-freedom.blogspot.com. Kate talks about going to AA meetings. Kate eats big ass cookie bar before coming over to record. Kate hangs out at another coffee shop with other traitors. Kate brags up her coffee shop. Matt only drinks starbucks on the road. Kate was trying to make out with older boys when Matt started to hang out at Java Net. Kate trolls for listener feedback. Email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter7_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:01am EST

Kate gets dumped, Matt gets hit on at bus station by jazz guitar player, Old man asked Kate to marry him at bus station, Matt meets old man who knew something about every town in Wisconsin, Kate wanted a cheese head but mom would not let her. Matt fell into sexual innuendo, Matt showers with naked men in the eighth grade, Kate can't climb rope, Kate destroys body trying to pass stretching test, Kate is single but not looking, Kate gives her number to another guy she absolutely no interest in dating, Kate gets tired of explaining her career goals to customers, Kate spends student loan money and dreams of living in Madagascar and moving to Tijuana, Kate quits drinking again baby-sits boozing friends, Writes blog about not drinking http://40ozto-freedom.blogspot.com. Matt says drink hard cider in the fall, Kate drives to Florida doesn't stop at Pedro's south of the border, Kate smokes butts and complains with Goth boyfriend at Disney world. Matt Ditches Military marching festival for south park movie, Matt wears tourist sandals, Kate owns New Kids on Block Notebook, Matt goes on aluminum smelter tour, Kate watches CSI, Matt talks about his funeral, more Pringles trivia. Email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter6_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:27pm EST

Kate fell off the wagon, Kate asked Phil's brother what kind of Porn he downloads, Kate gets busted talking smack about Karla of the rumor girls, Kate wears 70's cop sunglasses, Matt blew off recording on Thursday to eat at Fore Street, Sales Reps use taking clients out as an excuse to party on the company dime, Kate tries to avoid creeps and perv's, Kate's give phone number to guy she has no interest in Dating. Kate is worried about sounding Dumb,Matt struggles with technology, Kate goes shopping, Dyes hair Black and friend says that she is the hottest girl at the Wal-Mart. Shooter entertains Matt's relatives, and bites roommate. Kate tells fortunes with paper fortune telling machine, Matt cannot use fortune machine properly, Matt deconstructs fortune telling machine, Email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter5_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

Cultural Survival through Lego space ships, Kate quit drinking, decides to post sticky notes instead, Kate loves knife safety, Matt and Kate wake up in strange places after drinking, Kate wakes up with ferret, Matt Defends cousins honor, Kate doesn’t use bottle return money for IRA contributions, Matt looks at art in dark room, Kate is designated driver to strip bar i.e Kate’s goes to high school reunion, Sorostitutes like Miller lite and jello shots,  Kate’s crew define new words. Kate’s mom dresses funny, Kate giggles like grandma, Kate gets coffee at other coffee shops, Matt drinks Dunkin Donuts coffee at 4 am, Kate lusts after a Krispy Kreme donut, bacon egg and cheese sandwich, Kate works out, Matt doesn’t have abs, Matt and Kate have country music trivia Pringles. Email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter4_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:45pm EST

Going away parties, Punk Rock Hovel, The kids today don't appreciate sublime, motorcycle riding TV cowboys, TV steak houses, Freak-perv Tab, middle school mustache, nice is not good, Bikini Fighter 3, running and pigging out, Matt eats too many chips, Joe's Smoke Shop, Drinking on the Bus, Matt's Old Moped, Kate Ditches Car, Matt's overdue library book, Kate meets old coma victim at Amigos, Kate makes Matt Feel Old, Kate's Kindergarten Fashion Disaster, Matt's First Latte, Talking Caller ID, Email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter3_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:17am EST

Pirates of the Carribean, smoking, Matt's cube, Stealing office supplies, Drinking on the job, Too friendly with customers, Bikini Fighter II, Federal Marshals.Email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com

Direct download: talesfromthecounter2_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:50pm EST

Kates crazy charity roommate, Kate's Bikini Fighters, Matt's Underwear Thanksgiving, Kates Bake-Off, The Rumor Girls- our inspiration, Kate's crappy Computer, Matt Should of gotten a Mac. Email: talesfromthecounter@gmail.com, leave a voicemail at 207-221-2679. this is our first show so forgive the production values. The Music in this show has been provided by the Podshow podsafe music network at http://music.podshow.com
Direct download: talesfromthecounter1_2006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:57am EST

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